This grant is open for applications

If you are interested in applying for this grant, please contact us to discuss your idea.

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Funding is available to create programmes that encourage and support young people to take on positions of responsibility within their communities.

Jewish communal life is sustained by trained personnel and motivated lay leaders. However, many communities struggle to encourage young people to take on positions of leadership within their communities or to engage with communal concerns. Even those who were very involved as youth leaders and activists.

This can be a new strategy, programme or project that trains and motivates former youth and student leaders to become future communal leaders.

We welcome projects which identify, nurture and bring together emerging leaders from a range of youth, student and young adult organisations.

Grant details

This grant will contribute to the foundation’s goal of ensuring Jewish communal organisations are equipped to engage Jews with positive Jewish life and learning through education, leadership development and community engagement.

We invite Jewish communal organisations to propose a new strategy, programme or project that addresses the need for a pipeline that leads graduates of youth and student frameworks into professional and volunteer leadership roles in their local or country-wide community.

We will consider requests for funding of between £10,000 – £40,000 per year for up to 2 years. We will fund up to 70% of the total project budget and applications requesting more than this amount will be rejected.

Proposals should demonstrate a process for identifying the skills, knowledge and attitudes that participants may need to develop to become future communal leaders.

Proposed projects can be a new initiative or an upgrade of an existing programme. If you are looking to improve an existing programme, the budget and narrative should reflect how the funds requested will be allocated to new activities aimed at strengthening the Jewish knowledge and delivery skills of the participants.

Expense items may include the following as long as they are clearly linked to the project:

Staff time – programme coordinators, teachers, lecturers, mentors, tutors.

Experts – external leadership consultants and facilitators, Jewish educators.

Group Activities – shabbatonim, volunteering experiences, field visits

Peer-visits – travel and accommodation expenses related to a learning visit or a shadowing scheme in another community.

Seed funds – for communal engagement projects led by participants


Eligibility criteria

We welcome applications from nation-wide communities based in Europe, EU and non-EU states alike except for Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. 

The organisation’s activities must be deemed charitable under UK charity law, and we will require proof of its charitable status. This includes organisations which are either not-for-profit or publicly funded e.g., state or private libraries, archives, museums, research institutes, universities, cultural centres or non-profit organisations. For more information, please consult the UK’s Charity Commission website and its list of Charitable Purposes. 

If you are in the process of obtaining charitable status, please be aware that no payments will be made to your organisation until you have achieved this status. Additionally, if your organisation is awarded a grant but fails to secure charitable status within 3 months of having been notified of the award, the grant will be cancelled.


At least 30% of the cost of the project will need to come from other funding sources and we favour proposals that include co-funding from other organisations as well as clear evidence of financial commitments from your own institution (e.g. institutional reserves, money raised from ticket sales etc.)

A maximum of 15% of the total project budget can be attributed to In-kind contributions and allocated costs. Please ensure you identify these on your Project Budget Form under Project Income and use the Budget Explanation section to provide further details eg. breakdown of salaries, volunteer time etc.

In-kind contributions include any materials, goods, services or facilities that you would otherwise have to pay for but that are being provided free of charge or at a reduced rate. This may include:

  • volunteer time (i.e. how much would the time donated to the organisation cost if it had to be paid at an hourly rate in your country)
  • new equipment that is donated to be used by the project
  • dedicated space for the project that would otherwise have to be rented

Allocated costs include expenditure which must be paid for at some point by your organisation and do not qualify as in-kind contributions. This may include:

  • services of an employee currently employed by your organisation for time spent on the project (e.g. staff costs, project management or supervision)
  • additional time spent on the project by existing employees, beyond their current contracted hours, e.g. a part-time staff member who takes on additional responsibilities for the duration of the project
  • supplies and material bought by your institutions which will be used on the project
  • additional dedicated space for the project that will need to be rented

Eligible costs

We support applications for project-related costs so please ensure your project budget fits our criteria.

We support a wide variety of projects at different stages of development, including stand-alone initiatives and new aspects of an existing project. However, we do not fund retroactively. This means we will not consider a request for funding for an activity that has already happened or is scheduled to happen while the application for funding is being considered.

We do not fund the following:

  • operating costs for schools, synagogues, museums or other heritage or communal institutions
  • building and construction work for museums or other heritage or communal institutions
  • restoration work of Jewish built heritage
  • artistic projects in the fine arts, performing arts, film production and creative writing – including artwork commissioned by museums
  • publication and translation of academic books

Open Access policy

A fundamental principle of the Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe’s mission is to increase access to European Jewish heritage and culture. To that end, we ask that any Foundation-funded project should enable free access to educational resources resulting from the project. The Foundation expects a collegial and generous attitude towards sharing material with other professionals, organisations and communities.

Application process

Application timeline

If you are interested in applying for this grant, please contact us to discuss your idea.

Applications are accepted twice a year in our Spring and Autumn grant rounds which open in January and early-summer each year. You should submit your application by the submission deadline.

For Spring grant rounds, you will receive a final decision in late July. For Autumn grant rounds you will receive a final decision in early January.

If your application is approved, you will receive an official Grant Offer Letter together with an Award Agreement which you will need to e-sign and return with the necessary supporting documentation. See Manage my grant for information about grant requirements.

Required supporting documentation

If you are asked to complete an application, you will be required to include the following documentation. If it is not included, your application cannot be considered.

If your application is approved, you will need to submit further supporting documentation once you receive your Grant Letter and Agreement. 

  1. Budget table and budget explanation for the proposed project (Required): An example of a completed budget form can be downloaded from the application form.
  1. Proof of Charitable Status (Required): This will vary from country to country and according to the type of organisation making the application. This may be a UK charity number where applicable. If your organisation is a not-for-profit or a publicly funded body, such as a university, research centre or museum, we will accept a copy of the relevant portion of the organisation’s statutes as proof of its charitable status. 
    • Certification from the tax authorities: If you have a certificate from the tax authorities that demonstrates charitable status in your country this can also be submitted as proof. 
  1. CVs of key staff members working on the project (Required) (maximum 2 pages for each staff member): This should reflect their experience in undertaking projects such as the one outlined in this application. Qualifications include professional certificates, university diplomas, and relevant experience. Please combine all the CVs into one document before uploading it.  
  1. The most recently available audited accounts or financial statement (Required): This is a formal record of your organisation’s financial activities for either a one- or three-year period. The statement must include a summary of the income and expenditure over a given period. It should have been prepared by your financial department or a chartered accountant and, if your country requires it, approved by the relevant authority. 
    • Income and Expenditure: If the submitted audited accounts or financial statement are not in English, you are required to submit an English summary of the income and expenditure account and balance sheet. 
  1. Strategic Plan: If you are applying for a multi-year grant, please submit the latest organisational strategic plan which includes the larger vision of the organisation and how your project fits within that. 
    • If your organisation doesn’t have a strategic plan, please create one describing your institution’s vision, its goals for the next 2 to 3 years and how your project fits within that.
  1. Photographs: If appropriate and relevant, please include up to 10 photographs (saved together into one word document or PDF). Please ensure that each photo is no larger than 1MB. Please note that you have a combined application file size allowance of 20MB. 
  1. Project Update/Final Report: If you currently receive funding from the Foundation, please submit a one-page project update of your existing grant. If you have recently finished a grant funded by the Foundation, please ensure the final report has been submitted before the closing date for the current grant round as this will be assessed alongside your new application. 
  1. Other supporting documents: If there are any additional supporting documents which are relevant to your application, such as a letter of support from a partner organisation or a letter confirming copyright ownership, please submit them as well.

Translations: For documents not originally written in English please include an English translation. This does not need to be an official or full translation, but it must be clear and accurate. Documents in a language other than English that are not accompanied by an English translation will not be processed.

Financial summaries: If financial documents are very long, please provide a translation summarising the main income and expenditure included in your financial statements and organisational budget. This document should be no longer than 10 pages.

Please upload your translated/summarised document against the same upload title you use for the original document. This means you may have two documents saved under each upload title.

Assessment criteria

The strength of your application will be assessed based on the answers to the following questions:

Participants – Is there a big enough pool of relevant participants to draw from? Are they interested?

Purpose – we will look at how this project balances engagement of existing and new audiences, deep Jewish learning and community building.

Capacity building – We will prioritise projects that give relevant skills, knowledge, tools and connections to the participants. We will also look at the relevant skills and experience of the people developing the project, use of experts, consultants and professional training.

Need – Is there a similar opportunity already available? Is this a priority for the relevant stakeholders? (Current leadership, potential participants, etc.)

Access and Diversity – We will look at the outreach strategy and publicity plans. How will people find out about the project and how accessible will it be to different groups in the community?

Sustainability – We will prioritise projects that show long-term planning for follow up support, mentoring and training, adapting to changing needs.

Outcomes – We will look at what participants are expected to do, know and experience differently after the project.


You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions here.


If you are interested in applying for this grant, please contact us to discuss your idea: Daniela Greiber. For any technical support please contact

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Training and networking opportunities

We provide professional development opportunities for people working in Jewish heritage institutions and community organisations, through workshops, seminars and other events.

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Online resources and other initiatives

We plan and implement projects to create, curate and promote freely accessible online resources on Jewish heritage.

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